This documentation was originally created for the Teach on Mars Enterprise solution and may differ slightly from the LumApps Learning solution. It is regularly updated to ensure maximum consistency with the LumApps Learning solution.
What is the Profiling activity?
Thematic positioning quiz
Profiling aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the learner on the topic of the training. A personalized training path can be created based on the learner's responses to a series of weighted questions.
Each question offers up to three weighted responses, each associated with a defined profile. At the end of the activity, an algorithm defines a main profile for the learner and recommends a path for him to follow the training.
Note : Activities already done may be offered again. To do this, your learner's training path is reset locally, i.e. the learner can start the activities again in a new order without any data being deleted in the Mission Center.
Academic purpose
Profiling is part of the Engage phase of the ELPA learning cycle. It finds its place at the beginning of the course and aims to personalize the training of the learner according to his initial knowledge.
Suitable for Badge, Score, Shake'n'Learn features: no
Live!: No
Available medias: images (.png/.jpg/.jpeg)
Web app compatible: yes
- Number of profiles: from 2 to 5
- Association of one or more recommended training module(s) with each profile (optional)
- By question: 2 or 3 answers
- By answer: combination of a profile (mandatory) and a weighting (optional)
Customizable items
- Introduction card title*
- Introduction card text
- Profiles name
- Pace of training (number of days between each activity of the training path)
- Result page title
- Conclusion text associated with each profile (the activity displays the text of the profile with the most points)
Module type in the Mission Center: training path
Upgrades history: only available from 17.4 version
How to use the Webauthoring tool for the Profiling activity?
Edit your Profiling activity.
The Webauthoring tool for the Profiling activity is made up of two tabs:
- Content 1 : création des différents profils
- Content 2 : création des questions
1. Content 1
2. Content 2
How to fill in the Excel® Profiling activity template?
All activities can be downloaded from:
by clicking at the top right of the screen on Activity templates.
They can also be downloaded from the training course authoring page.
Note: it is recommended to download the activity templates regularly, or even each time you use them, as these are frequently updated
The Excel® activity template for the Challenge activity is made up of three tabs:
- Instructions
- Configuration
- Cards
1. The Instructions tab provides access to the Help Center article on the activity in question. It also shows screenshots of the rendering on the App.
2. The Configuration tab shows the different configurations to configure for the activity:
- Profiling introduction (mandatory). If the text is not changed, the default text will be displayed.
- D3 cell: the introduction title (limited to 50 characters)
- D4 cell: the introduction text (limited to 200 characters)
- D5 cell: the text displayed if the learner obtains 0 in every profiles (limited to 450 characters)
- D6 cell: the title of the results page (limited to 50 characters)
- Profiling configuration (mandatory). If the text is not changed, the default text will be displayed.
- D9 cell: first profile, the unique identity linked to the profile. It is recommended to use a short word, a number or a letter, ex: A
- D10 cell: first profile, the profile name that will be displayed at the end of the activity, ex : Profile A
- D11 cell: first profile, the descriptive text of the corresponding profile (limited to 450 characters)
- D12 cell: first profile, recommended modules based on the learner's responses. The separator between module numbers is "-", eg: 2-3
- D13 cell: second profile, we start again from D9 to D12
3. The Cards tab allows to create questions:
- Column A : the question (limited to 150 characters).
- Column D : specific media column if you wish to add an image (as a reminder, in the specific media columns, it is not necessary to use the media tags [media: myimage.jpg], you just need to inform the name and extension of the image myimage.jpg)
- Column E : answer 1 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column F : profile linked to answer 1
- Column G : weight attributed to answer 1 (weighting if the answers are linked to the same profile for example). This weight is mandatory, the cell cannot remain empty and the weight must be 0 minimum (no negative value).
- Colonne J : answer 2 (limited to 50 characters)
- Colonne K : profile linked to answer 2
- Colonne L : weight attributed to answer 2 (weighting if the answers are linked to the same profile for example). This weight is mandatory, the cell cannot remain empty and the weight must be 0 minimum (no negative value).
- Colonne O : answer 3 (limited to 50 characters)
- Colonne P :profile linked to answer 3
- Colonne Q : weight attributed to answer 3 (weighting if the answers are linked to the same profile for example). This weight is mandatory, the cell cannot remain empty and the weight must be 0 minimum (no negative value).
What is the rendering of the Profiling activity in the App?