This documentation was originally created for the Teach on Mars Enterprise solution and may differ slightly from the LumApps Learning solution. It is regularly updated to ensure maximum consistency with the LumApps Learning solution.
What is the Sushi Game activity?
Timed knowledge anchoring game by association
The Sushi Game is an association game, ideal for anchoring knowledge. Match a word or image to one of the categories and accumulate as many correct answers as possible in 90 seconds! The whole game universe is customizable. The activity is timed and successful according to the score. A good answer scores one point while an incorrect answer removes one point.
Academic purpose
The Sushi Game is proposed in the Practice phase of the ELPA cycle to evaluate and consolidate knowledge.
Suitable for Badge, Score, Shake'n'Learn features: yes
Live!: yes
Available medias: not applicable
Web app compatible: yes
- Timer
- Score, in the form of points. They become green for each correct answer and red for each incorrect answer
- Concepts limited to 10 characters, central words limited to 20 characters
Customizable items
- Introduction card title
- Introduction card text
- Conclusion card title
- Conclusion card text displayed when faultless / success / fail
- Number of concepts in each corner: the game allows 2 to 3 concepts
- Success score: number of words to associate correctly to validate the activity
- Top background image (.jpg), conveyor belt image (.jpg), bottom background image (.jpg)
- Image per category (.png)
- Five "sushi" images
Module type: training path
Upgrades history: only available from 18.1 version
How to use the Webauthoring tool for the Sushi game activity?
Edit your Sushi Game activity.
The Webauthoring tool for the Sushi Game activity is made up of three tabs:
- Content
- Parameters
- Graphic design
1. Content
2. Parameters & Graphic Design
How to fill in the Excel® Sushi Game activity template?
All activities can be downloaded from:
by clicking at the top right of the screen on Activity templates.
They can also be downloaded from the training course authoring page.
Note: it is recommended to download the activity templates regularly, or even each time you use them, as these are frequently updated
The Excel® activity template for the Sushi Game activity is made up of three tabs:
- Instructions
- Configuration
- Cards
1. The Instructions tab provides access to the Help Center article on the activity in question. It also shows screenshots of the rendering on the App.
2. The Configuration tab shows the different configurations to configure for the activity:
- The activity introduction. If the text is not changed, the default text will be displayed.
- D3 cell: the introduction title (limited to 25 characters)
- D4 cell: the introduction text (limited to 200 characters)
- Configuration Sushi Game configuration (mandatory). If the data are not changed, the default configuration will be applied.
- D6 cell: the name of Category 1 (mandatory, limited to 10 characters).
- D7 cell: the name of Category 2 (mandatory, limited to 10 characters).
- D8 cell: the name of Category 3 (mandatory, limited to 10 characters).
- Activity behaviour.
- D10 cell: the number of correct answers to successfully complete the activity (eg you display 12 questions and the learner must answer 8 of them correctly). If the information is not changed, the default text will be used, namely 3.
- The activity conclusion. If the text is not changed, the default text will be display.
- D12 cell: the conclusion card title (limited to 25 characters)
- D13 cell: the text to display in the event of flawless success (limited to 100 characters)
- D14 cell: the text to display in case of success with fault at the completion of the activity (limited to 100 characters)
- D15 cell: the text to display in case of failure to complete (limité à 100 caractères)
- Graphic configuration of the activity (background image). If the data are not modified, the standard configuration will be applied
- D17 cell: use of the default top background () or custom top background. The image must be in .jpg and be named top.jpg with a resolution of 1334x112px
- D18 cell: use of the default sushi belt (burgundy) or a custom conveyor image. The image must be in .jpg and be named middle.jpg with a resolution of 1334x228px
- D19 cell: use of the default bottom background (grey) or custom bottom background. The image must be in .jpg and be named bottom.jpg with a resolution of 1334x375px
- Graphic configuration of the activity categories. If the data are not changed, the default configuration will be applied.
- D21 cell: default visual of the category (bowl) or custom image (eg. a vase). The image must be in .png and be named category1.png with a resolution of 380x238px
- D22 cell: default visual of the category (bowl) or custom image (eg. a vase). The image must be in .png and be named category2.png with a resolution of 380x238px
- D23 cell: default visual of the category (bowl) or custom image (eg. a vase). The image must be in .png and be named category3.png with a resolution of 380x238px
- Graphic configuration of the sushis. If the images are not uploaded in the Mission Center, the default sushi images will be displayed.
- D25 cell: you can use up to 5 different images to replace the visual of sushi. It can for example be 5 different flowers (or 5 cars, etc.). The images must be in .png and be named sushi1.png, sushi2.png, sushi3.png, sushi4.png, sushi5.png, even if the images are replaced by flowers or cars, etc. The resolution of these images will be 468x260px. Note: the text area (for the words in column B of the Cards tab) is located between 200 and 240 pixels (see image below: Cost / Discount)
- Graphic configuration of colors
- D27 cell: choice of theme if you use your own background image. Depending on the background image, the characters may not be easy to read. Therefore, you must specify a theme to use
- Light : light background image for dark font color
- Dark (by default) : dark background for light font color
- D27 cell: choice of theme if you use your own background image. Depending on the background image, the characters may not be easy to read. Therefore, you must specify a theme to use
3. The Cards tab allows to create questions :
- Column A : the question type (a word or an image)
- Column B : the word (limited to 20 characters)
- Column E : specific media column if you wish to add an image (as a reminder, in the specific media columns, it is not necessary to use the media tags [media: myimage.jpg], you just need to inform the name and extension of the image myimage.jpg)
- Colonne F : the category to select from the categories entered in the Configuration tab and linked to the word or image
What is the rendering of the Sushi Game activity in the App?