This documentation was originally created for the Teach on Mars Enterprise solution and may differ slightly from the LumApps Learning solution. It is regularly updated to ensure maximum consistency with the LumApps Learning solution.
What is the Survey activity?
Learner's opinion assessment
The Survey proposes to the learner to evaluate the content of his training course. The trainer determines a scale of values for a series of questions. It is possible to integrate free-text response fields that solicit the learner's opinion. Finally, a survey can be blocked so that it can be entered only once by the learner.
Academic purpose
The survey is at the end of the program, with a view to continuously improving the training organisation.
Suitable for Badge, Score, Shake'n'Learn features: no
Live!: no
Available medias: not applicable
Web app compatible: yes
- Answers in the form of a graduation
- Maximum 10 answers per question
- Questions limited to 150 characters, answers limited to 50 characters
Customizable items
- Introduction card title
- Introduction card text
- Conclusion card title
- Conclusion card text
- Number of authorized launches of the activity
- The Survey is not included in the training course's progression calculation on the Mission Center
- Survey statistics may include several versions of the activity if it has been modified between two training courses publications.
Module type: training path
Upgrade history: only available from 17.4 version
How to use the Webauthoring tool for the Survey activity?
Edit your Survey activity.
The Webauthoring tool for the Survey activity is made up of two tabs:
- Content
- Parameters
1. Content
2. Parameters
How to fill in the Excel® Survey activity template?
All activities can be downloaded from:
by clicking at the top right of the screen on Activity templates.
They can also be downloaded from the training course authoring page.
Note: it is recommended to download the activity templates regularly, or even each time you use them, as these are frequently updated
The Excel® activity template for the Survey activity is made up of three tabs:
- Instructions
- Configuration
- Cards
1. The Instructions tab provides access to the Help Center article on the activity in question. It also shows screenshots of the rendering on the App.
2. The Configuration tab shows the different configurations to configure for the activity:
- Activity introduction. If the text is not changed, the default text will be displayed.
- D3 cell: the introduction title (limited to 25 characters)
- D4 cell: the introduction text (limited to 200 characters)
- Activity configuration (mandatory). If the data is not changed, the default option (Single launch) will be applied
- D6 cell: Number of activity launches (single launch or multiple launches)
- Activity conclusion. If the text is not changed, the default text will be displayed.
- D8 cell: the conclusion title (limited to 25 characters)
- D9 cell: the mandatory conclusion text mandatory (limited to 400 characters)
3. The Cards tab allows to create the questions:
- Column A : choice regarding the question in column B, mandatory or optional
- Column B : the question (limited to 150 characters)
- Column E : answer 1 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column H : answer 2 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column K : answer 3 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column N : answer 4 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column Q : answer 5 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column T : answer 6 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column W : answer 7 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column Z : answer 8 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column AC : answer 9 (limited to 50 characters)
- Column AF : answer 10 (limited to 50 characters)
What is the rendering of the Survey activity in the App?